My Health

I have a complicated medical history. Nothing that I have passed on to my son and also nothing caused by my lifestyle. In high school, I had a hormonal heart issue that took 4 years to diagnose and treat properly. I was then miraculously healed by having my son, even though pregnancy and labour supposedly threatened my health. 

About 7 years later, my thyroid just crashed. I had just graduated from university and in my senior year in particular, I'd become very intentional with my health regime. I always exercised and ate well. But I'd noticed I'd gained weight in university, probably from a combination of being super busy and my European body not being used to American food. I was determined to graduate closer to the condition I had started uni in. So I was preparing healthy meals at 5 a.m. to take with me throughout the day so I wouldn't grab bad food on the go. And I was taking time to exercise 4-6 times a week. I love healthy food and I enjoy exercise, so things were going well.

Then I graduated and all of a sudden, I was completely exhausted. Everyone said it was probably because I'd just powered through university with a child. I had averaged about 3-4 hours of sleep a night, so it made sense that that might be catching up with me. What didn't was how I gained 40 lbs in five months when I was eating well and exercising. I became so exhausted, I was dozing off at 11:30 a.m. Then my hair started to fall out and my menstrual cycle went berserk! 

I realised I had a thyroid problem and went to endocrinologist after endocrinologist for three years. No one would do more than a standard blood test and they kept telling me I was fine. One doctor even suggested liposuction since I was "so concerned with my weight." I was more concerned with the cause of my weird weight gain. If you think you have a thyroid problem, make sure you find a doctor who will test your T3, T4, and TSH levels. If any doctor says it's not necessary to test all three, get up and walk out. I'm serious, do not waste your time. An untreated thyroid condition can cause a host of problems, including heart failure. If I had trusted any of the doctors in those first three years, I'd be miserable right now and I might've died young with no explanation. Do not ask me why medical professionals who dedicate their lives to certain conditions refuse to embrace the knowledge I can find in a quick google search, because I don't know and it's beyond irresponsible. 

By the time I found my current amazing doctor, I also had developed an insulin problem because my body was so out of whack. So I was pre-diabetic before the age of 30 even though I'd eaten healthily and exercised most of my life. Additionally, I have polycystic ovarian sydrome (PCOS), which can also cause weight gain and insulin issues, not to mention a lot of pain. I also have IBS, probably from the stress of all this and my body being all over the place. I am supposed to be on a low-carb diet because of these issues, but the SCD eliminates things I could eat, like milk, store-bought yogurt, the occasional slice of whole wheat bread, and a monthly treat of either whole wheat pasta, brown rice, or a lovely baked potato. None of that is legal on the SCD, but I am trying to have solidarity with my son so I will not partake in things he can't. 

You can understand why, given my experience as well, I'm tired of waiting on doctors to diagnose my son. Hopefully this diet will help his problems and mine, just in different ways. But the priority here is to heal him and if it helps me so I can better take care of him, that'd be a bonus.