Day 1 - Let's Do This!

June 19, 2017

It's Monday and my son and I have the house to ourselves for the next couple weeks. So what better day to start? I have to say that despite going grocery shopping and stocking up on legal foods, I was still at a bit of a loss on what to make today. My son doesn't have much of an appetite, especially at lunch. He normally has cereal for breakfast, which is a solid foundation for the day. But cereal and milk are both illegal. We haven't gotten into making our own yogurt yet because he said he wasn't in the mood for it recently. I was relieved to not have to figure that out yet. This didn't leave a lot of breakfast options. So, fruit?

We started with fruit salad for breakfast. I chopped up apples, blueberries, peaches, bananas, and strawberries. For lunch, I packed him celery and carrot sticks, grapes, an apple, Babybell cheese, and some sliced chicken that had been refrigerated. (He didn't come close to eating all that, I just wanted him to have options.) For dinner, we grilled steak and had bell peppers and carrots as a side. We had bought broccoli, but it died in the heat of our house! So we had a lot of carrots today.

My son kept forgetting that he couldn't eat bread or grab a Fanta. (He doesn't drink a lot of soda. Never did and now with his sugar aversion, he drinks it even less. But sometimes, it helps his nausea to have a cold, fizzy drink.) Instead, I made fresh squeezed orange juice and mint lemonade

I didn't measure it out exactly, but I took the juice of three lemons, a few cups of water, a dollop of honey, and a handful of mint leaves. Then I blended them all together. I liked it, but he stuck with the orange juice.

I'm not sure we perfectly balanced out all our needs today but my son struggles to get balance with his appetite as it is. It's been an extremely hot week or two so we didn't want much more than fresh veggies and fruit anyway. Because of the heat, we actually have to keep our produce in the basement lest everything meet the same fate as the broccoli! We live in a country that doesn't have a lot of AC because until about 10 years ago, we didn't get extreme weather. But it's been in the 30's C (late 80's F) well into the evenings so this whole having to sit in front of a fan all day thing is getting old. Needless to say, we didn't get a lot of activity today but we stayed legal. 

My son said his stomach was a little better, maybe from not churning heavy carbs in his system? Who knows. Maybe it's the power of suggestion for now. As with all low carb diets, I did feel lighter and cleaner today. I'm gonna call it a success!

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